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Texas Motor Vehicle Accident Lawyer

Your Life Was Just Turned Upside Down, But Our Motor Vehicle Accident Lawyers Can Help

The physical, emotional, and financial toll of a motor vehicle accident caused by someone else's negligence can be absolutely crushing. You didn't ask for this devastation to be brought into your life, but you don't have to go through this difficult time alone.

The motor vehicle accident lawyers at Dortch Lindstrom Livingston Law Group have spent decades protecting the rights of the injured and holding negligent drivers accountable. While no amount of money can undo the trauma you've experienced, we believe you deserve to be fully compensated for all you've wrongly had to endure.

Types of Motor Vehicle Accident Cases We Handle

Our dedicated legal team has decades of combined experience representing clients who have been harmed in all types of vehicle crashes, including:

Car accidents

Whether it's a rear-end collision, t-bone crash, head-on impact, or rollover, passenger vehicle accidents can cause catastrophic injuries due to the force of impact.

Truck accidents

The sheer size and weight of semi-trucks, 18-wheelers and other commercial vehicles means the damage they can inflict on smaller cars is devastating. 

Motorcycle accidents

With no outer protection, motorcycle riders are extremely vulnerable when struck by a car or truck, often leading to severe road rash, broken bones, and head/neck injuries.

Boat and jet ski accidents

Collisions on the water can eject occupants, while other boating incidents may involve running aground, capsizing, or getting struck by a propeller.

Bus accidents

Crashes involving buses, whether school, city transit, or tour buses, put many lives at risk due to the number of passengers aboard.

Pedestrian or cyclist accidents

When a motor vehicle strikes someone walking or riding a bicycle, the injuries are typically catastrophic.

How Motor Vehicle Accidents Happen

Most motor vehicle accidents are caused by driver negligence of some form. Common examples of negligent driving behaviors include:

Distracted driving, such as texting behind the wheel

This causes the driver's attention to be diverted away from the road, increasing the risk of an accident.

Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs

Substance impairment slows reaction times and impairs judgment, making it extremely dangerous to operate a vehicle. 

Excessive speeding or driving too fast for conditions

Exceeding posted speed limits or failing to adjust speed for weather/road conditions reduces a driver's ability to maintain control of the vehicle.

Failing to yield the right of way

Improperly proceeding at intersections, stop signs, when changing lanes, etc. can cause devastating collisions.

Disregarding traffic signals and signs

Disobeying red lights, stop signs, and other traffic control devices violates the rules of the road meant to prevent crashes.

Tailgating or following too closely

Not leaving sufficient distance makes it impossible to brake safely if the vehicle in front unexpectedly slows or stops.

Operating an unsafe or poorly maintained vehicle

Driving with bald tires, nonfunctional lights, or other vehicle defects increases accident risks.

Compensation You Can Recover After a Motor Vehicle Accident

If another driver's negligence caused your motor vehicle accident, you may be entitled to compensation for:

Medical expenses (current and future)

This includes costs for emergency treatment, hospitalization, surgery, medication, therapy, equipment, and anticipated future medical needs related to your injuries.

Lost income and wages

You may be unable to work for an extended period while recovering.

Reduced future earning capacity

Severe injuries can prevent you from returning to the same job or career you had before.

Property damage

Compensation may be available for the repair or replacement of your vehicle as well as any other property damaged in the crash.

Physical pain and suffering

This money is a way to make up for the actual bodily injuries and physical pain you have undergone.

Loss of enjoyment of life

When injuries prevent someone from participating in activities and experiencing life how they previously did, this aims to compensate for that loss.

Other out-of-pocket costs

This covers any other expenses the victim has incurred related to the accident, such as costs for home accommodations, childcare, transportation, and more.

If the at-fault driver exhibited extreme recklessness, such as drunk driving, punitive damages may also be available. These damages are awarded to punish and deter such egregious conduct.