Christopher D. Lindstrom
Helping Texas area residents with personal injury, labor law, product liability and insurance litigation.

Insurance Adjuster | Texas Insurance Dispute Lawyer

Our Insurance Bad Faith Attorneys Help Clients Resolve Insurance Disputes and Obtain the Justice and Fair Compensation They Deserve 

Insurance protects you from unexpected losses, but this protection only works when insurance companies honor your policy coverage. Unfortunately, some insurers put their financial interests before their contractual obligations, engaging in bad faith practices like unreasonably delaying or denying valid claims. If you’re having trouble getting an insurance company to abide by the terms of your policy, don’t give up.

Dortch Lindstrom Livingston Law Group can review your policy coverage and help you hold insurers accountable for failing to perform their contractual duties. Before establishing a successful private practice, our award-winning trial lawyers defended insurance companies, gaining unparalleled insight into how insurers assess and handle claims. Now, we use our experience and skills to help clients capably navigate insurance disputes to secure the justice and fair damages they deserve.

Understanding Bad Faith Insurance Litigation

You have insurance, pay your premiums faithfully, and follow your policy’s terms. Naturally, when you needed your insurer to come through with coverage, you probably expected them to process your claim swiftly, efficiently, and fairly. Instead, they’ve given you the run-around, dragged out your claim, or denied you your rightful benefits. What’s going on?

Insurers Prioritize Profit, Not What's Best for Policyholders

Insurance companies aren’t concerned with your well-being—they’re businesses focused on maintaining or improving their bottom line. Insurers accomplish this by selling countless policies, collecting premiums, and finding ways to deny claims or pay policyholders as little as possible. Sadly, people often don't realize they're the victims of bad faith insurance practices until it's too late to take action because they trusted the insurance company and the claims process.

Dortch Lindstrom Livingston Law Group can help you understand and exercise your rights in insurance disputes.

Insurance Companies Have Legal Obligations 

Insurers owe policyholders various legal duties, including, but not limited to:

  • The duty to thoroughly investigate claims in a timely manner
  • The duty to cover valid claims made against you up to your policy limits
  • The duty to defend you or your business against liability claims
  • The duty to exercise good faith in settling claims 

Did your insurance company uphold its duties to you according to the terms of your policy? Our skilled legal team can help you find out.

We Handle Wide-Ranging Insurance Bad Faith Disputes 

Dortch Lindstrom Livingston Law Group resolves insurance bad faith disputes of all kinds. Insurers act in bad faith when they fail to fulfill their contractual obligations. Examples of bad faith insurance practices include:

  • Failing to acknowledge the receipt of a claim
  • Delaying the processing of a valid claim without cause
  • Denying a valid claim
  • Failing to provide reasons for claim denials
  • Making unreasonable demands of claimants
  • Misrepresenting policy coverage and terms
  • Changing policy terms after a claim has been filed 
  • Making threatening statements to policyholders
  • Failing to disclose policy limitations and exclusions to policyholders before purchase
  • Underpaying claims
  • Defrauding policyholders 

You could have grounds for an insurance bad faith claim if you had a valid claim under your insurance policy, the policy itself was valid, you can show that you paid your premiums on time, and the insurance company improperly or unreasonably denied your claim.

How Our Accomplished Insurance Dispute Lawyers Help Nationwide Clients Protect Their Rights and Achieve Their Objectives 

Our experienced and insightful insurance bad faith lawyers provide vigorous representation and attentive support for the litigation process. We review your policy coverage and terms and work to hold your insurer accountable, advocating for you every step of the way.

Depending on the facts and evidence in your case, we could potentially help you recover compensation for unpaid policy benefits, court costs, reasonable attorney’s fees, and statutory damages and penalties.