T. Micah Dortch
With more than 1,000 federal & state court matters as lead trial counsel, he has worked on many notable cases.

reviewing a personal injury settlement offer | Texas Personal Injury Lawyer

Our Personal Injury Lawyers Recommend Asking Yourself 5 Key Questions Before Accepting a Settlement Offer

You've been through the unthinkable—a car accident, medical malpractice, or another incident where someone else's negligence turned your world upside down. Now, as you're trying to piece your life back together, you're faced with a decision that could have ripple effects for years to come. Should you accept the settlement offer on the table or take your case to trial?

At Dortch Lindstrom Livingston Law Group, we understand the weight of this choice. We’ve outlined some factors to consider here, but we urge you to meet with our personal injury lawyers before you make your decision.

1. How Much Is Your Claim Really Worth?

Before you even consider accepting a settlement, you need to be 100% certain you understand what your claim is worth. This isn't just about covering your current medical bills—it's about securing your future.

Have you considered the long-term impact of your injury? Future medical treatments, potential loss of earning capacity, and the often-overlooked pain and suffering all play a role in determining the value of your claim.

Insurance companies are in the business of minimizing payouts. Their initial offer is often a lowball attempt to close your case quickly and cheaply. Don't let the allure of a quick resolution push you into making a decision you’ll regret.

2. Can You Prove What Happened?

Evidence is the backbone of any personal injury case—whether you're negotiating a settlement or presenting your case to a jury. The stronger your evidence, the more leverage you have.

Do you have clear documentation of the incident? Witness statements that corroborate your version of events? Expert testimonies that underscore the extent of your injuries? These pieces of evidence can significantly bolster your position—potentially leading to a higher settlement offer or a stronger case at trial.  

At Dortch Lindstrom Livingston Law Group, we leave no stone unturned in building a case for our clients. From accident reconstruction experts to medical professionals, we leverage every resource to strengthen your position and help you obtain full compensation for your medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

3. Are You Prepared for the Emotional and Time Investment of a Trial?

While the prospect of having your day in court might seem appealing, it's important to consider the emotional toll and time investment that a trial demands.

Are you prepared for the potential stress of testifying? Can you weather the uncertainty of a jury verdict? Do you have the patience for a process that could stretch on for months or even years?

Trials can be emotionally draining experiences. You'll likely need to relive the trauma of your accident, face cross-examination, and endure the anxiety of waiting for a verdict.

That said, for some clients, the opportunity to have their story heard and seek justice in a public forum is worth the emotional investment. Dortch Lindstrom Livingston Law Group is here to support you through every step if you choose this path.

4. How Much of a Risk Are You Willing to Take?

One of the most significant differences between settling and going to trial is the element of risk. A settlement offer—while it may be lower than what you hope for—is a guaranteed amount. A trial verdict, on the other hand, is inherently unpredictable.

Are you comfortable with the uncertainty of a jury decision? Can your financial situation withstand the possibility of an unfavorable verdict?

While a trial offers the potential for a higher award, it also comes with the risk of walking away with nothing. Settlements, though often lower than potential trial awards, provide a guaranteed resolution.

At Dortch Lindstrom Livingston Law Group, we've seen cases on both ends of the spectrum. Micah Dortch, Christopher Lindstrom, and Lance Livingston have achieved substantial verdicts that far exceeded initial settlement offers, but we've also seen juries return verdicts lower than what was first offered. Our role is to help you understand these risks and make a decision that aligns with your personal risk tolerance and financial needs.

5. What About Your Future?

Don’t make the mistake of overlooking the long-term implications of your decision. This isn't just about the immediate financial outcome—it's about your future well-being and peace of mind.

Have you thought about how this decision might impact your recovery process? Your family relationships? Your ability to move forward from this traumatic event?

Accepting a settlement often means a quicker resolution, allowing you to focus on healing and moving forward with your life. It also typically comes with less public exposure, which can be important for those who value their privacy.

On the other hand, taking your case to trial might provide a sense of justice and closure that a settlement can't offer. It could also potentially result in a larger award that better secures your financial future.

Get the Justice and Peace of Mind You Deserve

At Dortch Lindstrom Livingston Law Group, we believe that the best decision is an informed one. We're committed to providing you with all the information, support, and guidance you need to make the choice that's right for you—not just as a client, but as a person who deserves closure and the resources to move forward.